this deals with the future of brain-augmenting chips/helmets/computers/etc.
They call it transhumanism, in that people will continue to evolve by a product of technology. This is a very interesting idea and anyone interested in this idea should look at this website. These people advocate the moral right to use technologies, like genetics and nanotechnology, to extend their individual capacities, to surpass natural limits and improve ourselves in both physical and psychological areas.
another on the same subject...,8599,1679115,00.html
The science of growing body parts
this deals with population control.
this group is called the internal humanist and ethical union.
World-wide birth control by means of immediate and effectual action is necessary to fight the hunger in this world. The unrestrained growth of the world population may be the end of mankind. In countries with a high birth rate more instruction, material encouragement and easily accessible methods of contraception are very necessary. This has to be pursued in spite of religious or ideological opposition.
this topic deals with creativity with computers / learning. Instead of looking into the distant future I choose to talk about a current issue that shows where we are at now.
Milo is about to be released and is supposed to revolutionize gaming.
Currently, the environment Milo inhabits is relatively simple. We follow him around his house, backyard, and neighborhood. It’s clear, however, that Milo is only the first step toward a new, fully interactive gaming experience. With the Nintendo 64, game designers took games from 2D graphics into the world of 3D play. Milo and the AI’s that are sure to follow will take games to the next dimension of human interaction. Imagine a sidekick in an RPG (role playing game) that can actually carry on complex conversations and sense your moods. Imagine characters that change thanks to your interactions, a world where no two gamers’ opponents or allies are the same.
favorite point: from teaching to learning
Distance Learning. An idea that goes back decades, but has yet to be successfully implemented.
The Last Lecture was inspiring because he had such a positive attitude. Almost every point he made was full of insight into life and what really matters.
I'm still not sure exactly wat I want my topic to be, but I would like to do something about the future of government if that is possible.
TRIZ on Government:
branching out- government could turn into a world government where countries act as states
taking out- government could become more localized by removing a central (nationally focused) main power.
merging- government could merge with business / economics (already has some)
nested doll- government could become more tiered, house, sub house, sub sub house, sub sub sub house continuing until every citizen was accounted for.
dynamics- make it easier for a regular person to get elected by restricting amount of money someone can spend on campaign
another deminition- another powerful political party
make porus- make transparent
homogeneity- work better with other governments
copies- figure out what works best and implement it around the world (we do not currently have the correct answer)
preliminarty anti-action- create legislation against things we know don't work
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